Superfoods are essential in improving your well-being and maintaining optimum health. For one, these types of foods greatly improve your immune system and reduce inflammation. Additionally, superfoods are important in that they eliminate harmful bacteria from your body, as well as keeping your weight up to a recommended level.
By introducing superfoods into your diet, you’re setting yourself up for a healthier, longer, and more productive lifestyle. Without further ado, here are the top superfoods to include in your diet today.

An avocado is a monosaturated fat whose main purpose is to increase blood flow. In turn, this lowers blood pressure and greatly reduces the rate of cognitive decline. If your plan is to feel younger for longer, then an avocado a day should do the trick.

Beans are super-packed with fiber and iron that is essential in lowering cholesterol levels, minimizing the risk of cancer, and keeping heart disease at bay.
A number of studies have shown that including beans regularly in your diet can reduce your weight by up to 7 pounds, and leave you with a slimmer waist.

One of the sweetest super-foods out there, berries are a delicacy with whichever meal they are served with.
Packed with antioxidants and fiber, these berries can do wonders by enhancing your memory and greatly reducing the chances of developing dementia, and brain-related diseases. If you include these berries with a couple of strawberries, you can have a healthy and refreshing supply of Vitamin C.

Despite not being the most popular fruit for kids, broccoli is stacked with essential vitamins such as K, A, and C. The combination of these vitamins is essential in keeping your skin smooth and firm, as well as minimizing the risk of cancer.

Who doesn’t fancy a boiled egg once in a while? Not only is it a rich source of proteins, egg-yolk also carries a high concentration of antioxidants that are vital in protecting your skin from degeneration
Dark Chocolate

If consumed moderately, dark chocolate can provide your body with a healthy boost of antioxidants that not only lower the risk of cancer, but also boost your concentration and improve your mood.

Fish that are packed with omega 3 oils are essential in improving brain function and fighting off a myriad of diseases that might be affecting you and causing a nasty inflammation.

If you plan to keep your immune system working at its optimum, then an orange a day is all you need. Oranges are packed with vitamin C that is important in the manufacture of antibodies and white blood cells to fight off infections.
And last but not least, quinoa is the latest superfood that is causing all the rave. It’s packed with everything from fiber, iron, and protein making it the top superfood to prevent chronic diseases and maintain a healthy weight.