While at home, all we want to eat is a healthy food, and then, we fall prey to the luxury hotels somehow. You might be out for business, party, or delight, the mornings will always start with bread, and the special pat of butter served in the hotels. Let us understand how many calories are in a single pat of butter because from the looks, you will never be able to guess it. We just consume one, two, and sometimes three pat of butter to cover the full breakfast.
What is a pat of butter?
It is a single portion of butter served in hotels. It is either served in foil, little plastic tub, or artfully shaped in a square or round. It is accompanied by some of the familiar dishes there at the hotel. It forms a tiny part of the meal that goes unnoticed. There is a possibility that you might overlook its intake, but you would obviously like to know how many calories it has.
Quantity of butter in a pat of butter
A pat of butter is generally served to accompany dishes that are called for it to melt while it is steaming hot. The quantity depends typically on the accompanied dish. If you ordered a piece of bread with butter, you could be served with a teaspoon of butter that is also ½ (half) tablespoon of butter. If you ordered a Butter Chicken, you might want a pat of butter on it while it is steaming hot. It calls for a full slab of thick ⅓” of butter per bowl. Therefore, the quantity of the butter is ⅓ (one-third) tablespoon or 1½ teaspoons.
The wrap up on the quantity is that either the pat of butter is 1 teaspoon or 1.5 teaspoons, that is, ½ (half) tablespoon of butter and ⅓ (one-third) tablespoon of butter respectively. These quantities can help you tame the luxury hotels and prepare your own pat of butter to accompany various dishes. If you are a fan of cooking, I would say cook well and present it professionally with the perfect sized pat of butter.
How many calories does a pat of butter have?
A pat of butter doesn’t look harmful. But butter itself is the fat globules separated on churning the milk or cream. Those fat globules have enough calories in a single pat.
One teaspoon of butter that is the pat of butter formed with ½ (half) tablespoon has about 34 calories. 1.5 teaspoon of butter that is the pat of butter formed with ⅓ (one-third) tablespoons has about 51 calories.
While we all are now fantasized by the information on the pat of butter, one might want to know why is the butter slab served as accompaniment in the restaurants and hotels recognized as a PAT!
You can always look out for additional information.
Why is it called a “pat”?
It all started when restaurants molded the butter in different shapes to make it look presentable on the bread. They used to pat the butter in the mold and get it going on the dish. This is how the little extra accompaniment is known as the pat of butter as it is designed to fill in for the extra need of the butter and was at a time patted in a mold.
In conclusion
A pat of butter is the little accompaniment with the breakfast. While you spread it on an Indian bread for a taste, you are consuming 34-51 calories for one pat of butter. While it is quite okay to consume 3-4 pat of butter once in a while, this little accompaniment could just shake your diet control in one meal if you are a fitness lover.