Waiting for the tables and shopping with the family have always been tiring tasks. Everyone who has been stuck in such things knows how difficult it is to stand on the feed for a long time. You know how much tiring it is to be standing still for a long time. Sometimes it is actually even more difficult than walking for the same amount of time. But, what’s the catch in this?
Reasons why our feet hurt more while standing rather than walking:
First of all, when you stand, your legs aren’t resting because they are supporting your body weight. If you have ever noticed, our body keeps swaying slightly. To keep your body stand straight, few muscles, particularly your calves muscles, are continuously working, making small adjustments that most probably you aren’t even aware of. On the other hand, when you’re walking, the burden is disturbed among more muscles. Core muscles keep you stable, butt muscles complete your stride, muscles swinging the arms help propel them, and the tighs and calves are employed.
Secondly: when we are standing still, each foot and leg supports about half of the body’s weight, neither of them gets a rest. While walking, each time a foot is raised, the other muscles help the body get balanced, and one of your feet gets a little break. These are really smalls breaks, but it totals nearly half of the time being in less or more a resting state.
Thirdly: while you’re standing, the blood and lymph fluids pool in your calves, ankles, and feet, because your heart isn’t able to efficiently pump the blood all the way down to your feet. This is the reason when you stand for a long time in one place, you might notice that your lower leg and feet swell a little.
When you’re standing, your muscles aren’t able to receive as much oxygen and other such things that are required to operate at peak efficiency.
Fourthly: while standing, the entire body rests on the same place, i.e., the underside of your feet and particularly on the heels. While when you’re walking, your one side gets break half the time; additionally, different parts of the body bear load of your body at different times.
Fifth: standing is much more boring as compared to walking, especially if you are at work with nothing engaging to do, like watching your mom’s shop. With nothing to occupy your mind, your mind starts to wander how tired you are. While on the other hand, when you’re walking, your brain is much more occupied.
Sixth: if you’re walking fast enough or even jogging, your body releases a chemical named neurochemical that makes you feel better, including adrenaline that pumps the heart fast, thus providing more oxygen to the muscles and brain.